RHSE - Parents Consultation Information Meetings
Posted On: 21 April 2021
RHSE - Parent Consultation
Dear Parents,
As part of our ongoing consultation with parents over the School’s implementation of the statutory subject of Relationships and Health Education, and the non-statutory element of Sex Education, we are attaching a copy of our long-term plan to provide an overview of the topics that we will be covering. All aspects of the new curriculum are statutory, with the exception of Sex Education (which is covered in Year 6 only). This means that there is no option to withdraw your child from any aspects of the PSHE curriculum, including RSE, with the exception of the Year 6 Sex Education element.
RHSE is taught as an integrated part of the PSHE curriculum which currently encompasses Personal, Social and Health Education. The curriculum is spiral in nature, which means that concepts and skills are developed over time in a progressive manner that reflects the age and stage of development of the children.
As a school, we have adopted a curriculum programme provided by a company called SCARF, which we may adapt where necessary to meet the needs of the children within our school.
In order to give parents and carers the opportunity to talk with members of staff about the RHSE element of the curriculum, we would like to invite you to attend a virtual meeting, hosted on Teams, which you will be able to access by clicking on the relevant link below.
Foundation Stage and Year 1 – Monday 26th April 7:00pm
Year 2 and Year 3 – Tuesday 27th April 7:00pm
Years 4, 5 and 6 – Wednesday 28th April 7:00pm
Please make sure you join the meeting a few minutes before 7:00pm, so that we can start promptly.
Due to constraints within Teams that are beyond our control, there will be no access to the ‘chat’ facility during the meeting; however, you will of course be able to raise your hand and voice any questions or views that you may wish to share using the relevant icon in the Teams toolbar.
We would ask that you take time to read the attached information to see if there are any particular questions, or queries, that you have relating to the subject. If there are specific questions that you would like us to address, please send these in, no later than 9:00am on Friday 23rd April. Your questions should be sent to
By letting us know, in advance of the meeting, we can ensure that we cover a response to your question within our presentation.
Please indicate your interest in attending this virtual meeting by emailing the school on – please do not use any other school e-mail address for this purpose.
Attached with this letter, you will find the following documents:
- Glossary of terms
- The School’s PSHE long term plan
- An explanation of the SCARF programme and how it relates to RSE.
- The Department for Education (DfE) overview of the statutory content for RHSE
We thank you in advance for supporting our consultation on this aspect of the school’s curriculum and hope to ‘see’ many of you at one of our virtual meetings next week.
Kind regards,
Stacey Ward.
Head Teacher