Arrangements for Admission
Children starting school for the very first time are admitted to Church Langley Primary once a year, sometime in September; depending upon the number of pupils being admitted in any given cohort.
Church Langley Primary School is able to admit 60 pupils into any year group from Reception to Year 6. Once this number has been reached the school is considered to be full in that particular age group. However, there are occasions, at the express request of Essex Local Authority, when a Reception intake may be increased to 90 pupils.
As a Local Authority School, the Governors have adopted the Authority’s admissions policy under which there is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admissions area. In the event of over-subscription the following criteria will be applied, in the order given, to determine allocation of available places:
· Children looked after
· Children with a sibling already attending the school
· Children living in the priority admission area on the Church Langley estate
· Children living outside the priority admission area but living on the Church Langley development
· Remaining applications.
Should there be over-subscription within any of the above criteria priority will be given to those families living closest, in straight-line distance, to the school. Exceptional medical circumstances (supported by evidence) may override the above criteria. The Pupil Services Department of the Local Authority considers applications for the admission of children, not the school itself.
Details about this are available from the school office.